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VisionWeb communications can be done via VPN or via FTP.  The newer FTP method is the easiest to setup.  

The method used is dependent on the new "Use FTP as communication method" flag.

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Now that we have both a VPN and an FTP method, we can test L2L transmissions between the two.   This is done using the Vision web supplier ID (see below) in the "Remote Lab" maintenance screen.

To send orders to the FTP site, set the supplier Id to "3702".   To send orders to the VPN (MQ series) use supplier ID "3701" (this is our original lab Id with Visionweb.   When using the lab-to-lab transmission, set the lab ID to the one you want the orders to go to (either FTP or VPN).

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VisionWeb using FTP

The FTP communication method uses Winscp to communicate with VisionWeb.  This program is already installed with RxUniverse, so no other installation is required, just fill in the required FTP communication parameters as supplied by VisionWeb.

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The VisionWeb URL for FTP communications is

If you want to test the VisionWeb FTP communications, use the following RxUniverse test account.

FTP User Id  omicstest

FTP User password  y36AbINd

The FTP communication method creates a script that is run by the Winscp program.  The script that's created is called where xxx is replaced by the workstation ID. 

VisionWeb using VPN

VisionWeb requires two pieces of software to be installed on the computer running the Rx-Universe Remote Processor session (usually the server).  These two pieces are the "Cisco VPN Client" and the "IBM WebSphere" connectors.

Up to date installation files can be obtained from VisionWeb upon request.

Installing Cisco VPN Client

On operating systems such as Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10, you will need to install the Citrix DNE Update software before installing the Cisco VPN.


Once the Cisco VPN software is installed, install the IBM Websphere client - the C48UML.EXE.  Right-click and select "Run as Administrator", and follow the prompts for a "Typical" installation.

Installing on a Windows 10 computer

On a Windows 10 computer, you will need to edit the system registry to correct errors in the registry entries.

Launch Regedit.exe.

NOTE: The Windows Registry file is vital to the operation of the Windows operating system. Incorrectly editing or otherwise corrupting the Windows Registry file could prevent your computer from booting properly.

Navigate to the following location to modify the entry necessary to enable the VPN client within Windows 10:


64bit: Remove the "@oem8.ifn,%CVirtA_Desc%;” so you just have “Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows”

All Operating Systems

Modify the default Environment Variable “PATH” to include the path that the Cisco VPN Client software was installed into – unfortunately, the Cisco software does not automatically place itself into the path. 


Press the OK button when you’re finished with the data entry, then be sure to click the "Save" button on the “Report Order Processing Options” screen.

Running Vision Web (Receive Orders mode)

To activate the Vision Web interface, “Use Vision Web Interface” in the Remote Order Processing Options screen must be checked and the Transfer routines within the “VisionWeb Options” screen must be set to “Receive and Send Orders” or “Receive Orders”.

The Vision Web interface will start automatically as part of the Remote Order Processing program.  The interface will establish a connection with the Vision Web server and download a maximum of 5 orders, then the interface will upload a maximum of 5 order status messages then the process will exit and regular order processing will continue.  Once the Remote Order process determines that the proper amount of time has elapsed based on the Vision Web pause setting, the Vision Web interface will be processed again, checking for orders and sending status messages back.

Status Message setup

The lab controls the Status Messages that are returned to Vision Web, by using a field within the Job Station maintenance screen which controls when a status is returned to Vision Web.  From the main menu select “Job Tracking" and then select “Job Stations”.  For each job station that you want to send Vision Web a status on, set the “Vision Web Stats” field to select the status that you want to return to Vision Web when a job goes through this particular station, from the drop-down box.  For example, to set the VW status to "Treatment" when a job is farmed out for AR coating, the entry might look like:


The information that Rx-Universe returns to Vision Web along with the current status is the jobs expected delivery date, the Rx-Universe order number, the date and time that the status was created and the delivery method (if available).

Miscellaneous changes

When looking at orders in Rx-Universe, if an order was received from Vision Web, the OE screen will show that as follows:

When viewing the raw incoming data (from the View right-click menu in customer service), the converted Vision Web to VCA information is displayed first, then after the EOJ line, the original Vision Web XML file is displayed:

Catalog Considerations

When setting up the Vision Web Catalog, remember that what is contained in the “Convert” fields is what is used within Rx-Universe.
