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From the Main menu select “Remote”, then “Remote Order Parameters”.  To allow access to the Vision Web options you must check the “Use Vision Web Interface” checkbox, and then press the “Vision Web Options” button.  This will take you to the Vision Web Options screen where you can setup the information to receive orders and, if you have activated the “Vision Web Lab-to-Lab” module, you can setup the information to send orders via Vision Web. 


Vision Web pause – this is the length of time that the Remote Order process will wait between each Vision Web session.  This entry is in minutes.

  • Create Vision Web Communication Log.  When checked, this will cause the Vision Web interface to create a log of all events that are occurring during the communication session.  The log is created within the applications data directory and is called “VWEB-COM.LOG”.  This is a useful tool for troubleshooting communication problems.  It should normally be turned off.

  • Include frame information in the order comments - this will cause the frame name, etc., to be saved in the comments of the order for printing

  • Use FTP as communication method - to use MQ queues, make sure this option is UNchecked

  • Transfer Routines.  These selections allow you to fine tune the Vision Web interface to Receive and Send orders, Send orders only, or Receive orders only.  Note that the first 2 options are only available if the “Vision Web Lab-to-Lab” module is active.

  • Receive orders box

    • Queue Manager – always set to DATAPATH_FROM_VW

    • Order Queue This queue name is different for each customer and is provided by Vision Web. It is the name of the transfer queue that Vision Web places the orders for pickup. A sample entry is “OMICS.TRF.3701”.

    • Status Queue This queue name is different for each customer and is provided by Vision Web. It is the name of the tracking queue that Rx-Universe will place the order status messages that Vision Web will pickup. A sample entry is “OMICS.TRK.3701”.

    • VPN Connection Name This is the name of the VPN connection created when installing the Cisco VPN software above.  The sample name used above was “Vision Web”.  Spaces are allowed in the name.  Please note that the VPN Connection Name is also used by the Lab-to-Lab transfer interface.

    • MQ Server Channel  This is the name of the MQ server channel that the connection is going to use, is different for each lab, and is provided by Vision Web.  A sample is CLIENT.TO.OMICS.3701.

    • MQ Server connection  This is the IP address and port for the MQ Server, and will always be

  • Lab-to-Lab transfers box

    • Queue Manager – always set to DATAPATH_FROM_VW2

    • Order Queue This queue name is different for each customer and is provided by Vision Web. It is the name of the transfer queue that Vision Web places the orders for pickup. A sample entry is “OMICS.RCV.3716”.

    • Status Queue This queue name is different for each customer and is provided by Vision Web. It is the name of the tracking queue that Rx-Universe will place the order status messages that Vision Web will pick up. A sample entry is “OMICS.MSG.3716”.

    • MQ Server Channel  This is the name of the MQ server channel that the connection is going to use. It is different for each lab, and is provided by Vision Web.  A sample is CLIENT.TO.OMICS.3716.

    • MQ Server connection  This is the IP address and port for the MQ Server.  This information is provided by Vision Web.  A sample is

    • User Name  This is the username required by VisionWeb to identify the client.  This entry is supplied by VisionWeb.  A sample would be “mqomics3716”.

    • Password  This is the password required to send orders via VisionWeb.  It is supplied by VisionWeb.  A sample would be “p@sh0p+”

    • Reference Id  This reference ID is required and supplied by VisionWeb.  A sample entry is “ROOMICS”.


The lab controls the Status Messages that are returned to Vision Web, by using a field within the Job Station maintenance screen which controls when a status is returned to Vision Web.  From the main menu select “Job Tracking" and then select “Job Stations”.  For each job station that you want to send Vision Web a status on, set the “Vision Web Stats” field to select the status that you want to return to Vision Web when a job goes through this particular station, from the drop-down box.  For example, to set the VW status to "Treatment" when a job is farmed out for AR coating, the entry might look like:


Whenever the Job Tracker processes a Job station that has a Vision Web status associated with it, the job tracker will create a Vision Web status message within a working database that the Vision Web interface will use to send the status to the Vision Web server.  A status message will only be created if the current Vision Web status is different than the last Vision Web status sent to Vision Web.


When viewing the raw incoming data (from the View right-click menu in customer service), the converted Vision Web to VCA information is displayed first, then after the EOJ line, the original Vision Web XML file is displayed:


Catalog Considerations

When setting up the Vision Web Catalog, remember that what is contained in the “Convert” fields is what is used within Rx-Universe.
