VisionWeb communications can be done via VPN or via FTP. The newer FTP method is the easiest to setup.
The method used is dependent on the new "Use FTP as communication method" flag.
VisionWeb using FTP
The FTP communication method uses Winscp to communicate with VisionWeb. This program is already installed with RxUniverse, so no other installation is required, just fill in the required FTP communication parameters as supplied by VisionWeb.
The VisionWeb URL for FTP communications is
If you want to test the VisionWeb FTP communications, use the following RxUniverse test account.
FTP User Id omicstest
FTP User password y36AbINd
The FTP communication method creates a script that is run by the Winscp program. The script that's created is called where xxx is replaced by the workstation ID.
VisionWeb using VPN
VisionWeb requires two pieces of software to be installed on the computer running the Rx-Universe Remote Processor session (usually the server). These two pieces are the "Cisco VPN Client" and the "IBM WebSphere" connectors.