A new work ticket format has been added, PC2.
Prism thinning prism from digital vendors (label PTPRVM in the LMS file) is now saved as the prism thinning amount for digital jobs. For both digital and toric jobs, when a remake is done on a job, the amount of prism thinning from the original job is retrieved and placed into the "Remake Prism Thinning Amount" field on the F12 screen from order entry. This allows the original prism for thinning to be used for the remake, or the lab can modify that as desired.
Digital Designs
The custom _LTLVL, _LTDIA and _BLEND labels, previous allowed only for Crossbows and Essilor designs, may not be used for A2Vision designs as well. This allows use of the edge blending and custom blended design segment width features to be used with A2Vision as they are with Crossbows.