Field Name | Reqd | Chiral | Data Type | Length | Description | Format / Valid Values |
DO | R | Y | String | 01 | Which eye | Valid Values: |
_LSTYLE | C | Y | String | 06 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the lens style being ordered |
_MATERIAL | C | Y | String | 02 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the lens material being ordered |
_TREAT | C | Y | String | 03 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the treatment of the lens | This is the Pretreatment that comes already on the lens from the manufacturer. |
_TINT | C | Y | String | 03 | If _LCODE not specified, this field specifies the lab code for the tint of the lens | This is the Tint (Color) that comes already on the lens from the manufacturer |
_LCODE | C | Y | String | 02 | Lens Material | Refer to catalogue reference, under the lens section. This is the code from the catalogue |
SPH +/- | R | Y | Numeric | 05 | Rx Sphere Power | Range from -39.0 to +49.0 and must be a multiple of 0.125, rounded to 2 |
CYL +/- | O | Y | Numeric | 05 | Rx Cylinder Power | Valid values range from-19.75 to +19.75, in increments of 0.125, rounded to |
AX | C | Y | Integer | 03 | Prescribed Cylinder Axis. | Valid values range from 0 to 180. |
IPD | R | Y | Numeric | 03 | Far PD: The far interpupillary distance for Multifocals and can be entered as
| Valid range values: |
NPD | C | Y | Numeric | 03 | Near PD or Vertical Decentration:
| Valid range values: For SV-Style lenses, this field represents the distance above or below the datum of the OC. |
OCHT | O | Y | Numeric | 04 | Vertical O.C. height measured from the lower boxes tangent of the frame. |
ADD | C | Y | Numeric | 04 | The add power of the multifocal segment; required for multifocal lenses | 99.99 |
ADD2 | C | Y | Numeric | 04 | The add power of the upper segment in an occupational lens | 99.99 |
SEGHT | C | Y | Numeric | 03 | Segment Height | Ex: SEGHT=19;19 |
PRVM +/- | O | Y | Numeric | 04 | Rx Prism in diopters | Ex: |
PRVA | C | Y | String | 03 | Rx Prism direction | Ex: |
ELLH | O | Y | Numeric | 02 | Elliptical Cribbing | Ex: ELLH=62;62 |
_SUPELLH | O | Y | String | 01 | Suppress Elliptical Cribbing | Valid Values are: |
THNP | O | Y | Numeric | 03 | Requested edge thickness at the thinnest edge | Ex: THNP=1.5;1.5 |
_PRTHIN | O | N | String | 01 | Prism Thinning | Valid Entries Are: |
_ADDON | O | N | String | 06 | Add-on Codes | Codes specified by receiving lab or from catalogue. |
CLASS | O | Y | String String | 03 03 | To force Finished (Stock) or Semi-Finish lenses per eye | Valid Values |
_FORCESF_F | O | Y | String | 01 | To force Semi-Finish or Finished (Stock) lenses on your job | Valid Values: |
_RFRONT | O | Y | String | 04 | Requested Nominal Front Curve | Ex: _RFRONT=0400;0400 |
_RDIA | O | Y | Numeric | 02 | Requested Blank (Lens) Diameter | Ex: _RDIA=76;76 |
_LMFRID | O | Y | String | 04 | Lens Manufacturer | If you want to force Rx-Universe to select a lens from a certain manufacturer |
OPC | O | Y | Numeric | 10 | Lens OPC Code | Select lenses by OPC codes |
SWIDTH | C | Y | Numeric | 02 | Segment Width | Ex:_SWIDTH=28;28 |
SDEPTH | C | Y | Numeric | 02 | Segment Depth of the Intermediate Segment. Required only for Trifocal lenses | Ex:SDEPTH=08;08 |
LNAM | O | Y | String | 23 | VCA Label Translation |
LTYP | O | Y | String | 23 | VCA Label Translation |
LMATTYPE | O | Y | String | 23 | VCA Label Translation |
HBOX | C | O | Numeric | 03 | Horizontal box lens size of the frame. This is the “A” measurement | Valid range of values is from 30.0 to 80.0 mm |
VBOX | C | O | Numeric | 03 | Vertical boxes lens size of the frame. This is the “B” measurement. | Valid range of values is from 15.0 to 60.0 mm |
_EDBOX | C | O | Numeric | 03 | “ED” measurement of the box measurement system. The widest possible | Valid range of values is from 30.0 to 80.0 mm |
DBL | R | N | Numeric | 03 | Distance Between Lenses | Valid range of values is from 7.0 to 30.0 mm |
ETYP | O | N | String | 01 | Type of edge to cut on lens. | Valid Entries are: |
SFTHK | O | N | String | 01 | This field needs to be placed after the “ETYP” field | Y = Safety Thickness |
FTYP | O | N | String | 01 | Frame Type | Valid Entries are: |
_TRACE | O | N | String | 12 | Trace Number | Rx-Universe will look into the Pattern Database for a Frame Name matching |
_CCIRC | O | N | Numeric | 04 | You can specify the actual circumference of the customer’s frame. | Ex: CIRC=138.4
_WRAP | O | N | String | 01 | To take advantage of the Wrap Frame Calculation. | Valid Entries are: |
ZTILT | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Panoramic (Wrap) Angle | Valid range of values is from 0 to 30.0 degrees |
PANTO | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Pantoscopic (Angle) Tilt | Valid range of values is from 0 to 30.0 degrees |
BVD | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Vertex Fitting. Back vertex distance, as worn (mm) | Valid range of values is from 5 to 30 mm |
RVD | O | N | Numeric | 03 | Refracted Vertex Distance - Back vertex distance, as refracted (mm) | Valid range of values is from 5 to 30 mm
TRCFMT | O | N | Numeric | 01 | Format of frame trace data | Valid Entries are: |
| Number | 04 | Number of radii in the trace |
| |
| String | 01 | Radius mode identifier | Valid Entries are: | |
| String | 01 | Which eyes are included | Valid Entries are: | |
ZFMT | O | N | Numeric | 01 | Format of vertical height frame trace data | Valid Entries are: |
| Number | 04 | Number of radii in the trace |
| |
| String | 01 | Radius mode identifier | E – the radii are evenly spaced | |
| String | 01 | Which eyes are included | R – Right | |
R | C | N | Numeric | 05 | Radius Data | Separate values for this field by a semi-colon “;” such as: |
| C | N | Numeric | 05 | Angle data for radius data (angular locations of trace radii expressed | Separate values for this field by a semi-colon “;” such as: |
Z | C | N | Numeric | 05 | Radius Data | Separate values for this field by a semi-colon “;” such as: |
CTHICK | O | Y | Numeric | 05 | Center thickness - used only if a specific center thickness is desired for the lens. This can | CTHICK=2.3;2.3 |