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The following APIs are available for use by laboratories.

Order Data

get_orderstatus Get Order Status (/orders/status) - Status of an order - get_orderstatus?order=2340894

get_hotjobsGet Hot Jobs (/jobs/hot)- Get list of hot jobs - get_hotjobs

get_orderinfoGet Order Info (/orders)  - Get Rx and other information on a specific order - get_orderinfo?order=12345678

get_wipbreakdown Get WIP Breakdown (/wip/breakdown) - get a breakdown of orders in process - get_wip-breakdown (no arguments)

Job Tracking Data

get_wipGet WIP (/wip) - gets the WIP numbers real-time, no arguments - http://localhost:4567/api/get_wip

get_wipbydateGet WIP by Date (/wip/date)  - gets the WIP numbers for a period of time; takes 4 parameters (start date, start time, end date, end time) - http://localhost:4567/api/get_wipbydate?startdate=20190416&starttime=08000000&enddate=20190416&endtime=23590000

get_wip30daysGet Historical WIP (/wip/30days)  - gets the WIP numbers (in, completed, transferred, canceled, and wip) by date for the past 30 calendar days - http://localhost:4567/api/get_wip30days
                              optionally accepts a starting date from which to count backwards - for example, to start from 27 January 2019, use - http://localhost:4567/api/get_wip30days?input=20190127

create_jobtrack Create Job Track (/jt/checkin) - allows third-party system to request update of job tracking information for an order in Rx-Universe - http://localhost:4567/api/create_jobtrack?order=2341296&station=001

get_jtstations Get JT Stations (/jt/stations) - gets a list of all job tracking stations set up in Rx-Universe (excluding conveyor decision points) - http://localhost:4567/api/get_jtstations 

get_job_count_by_jobstation Get Job Counts at Stations (/jt/stations/jobs/count) - gets a list of all job tracking stations set up in Rx-Universe as well as how many jobs are currently at that station - http://localhost:4567/api/get_job_count_by_jobstation

get_jobs_at_job_station Get Jobs at Station (/jt/stations/jobs) - gets a list of all jobs at a given station - http://localhost:4567/api/get_jobs_at_job_station?station=001

Inventory Data

get_inventory Get Inventory (/inventory) - if called with no arguments, returns a list of all active lenses; optionally accepts one argument which is either the stock number or OPC of a single item

get_breakage - method has one optional argument, returns a list of all breakage for the date specified, totals and by reason

do_lenspickLens Pick (/lenses/pick) - method accepts the order number and OPCs for right and left lens, to do lens pick verification

get_posbydate Get Purchase Orders (/pos/date) - method accepts a date, and returns a list of purchase orders created on that date

breakagecodes Get Breakage Codes (/breakages/codes) - method has no inputs, and returns a list of breakage reason codes.  Note, lab must be using the option to prompt for valid reasons only (on the Orders2 tab in System Settings). 
