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  • This line was added.
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Pricing Overview.

Pricing in RxUniverse is based on "groups" - groups of materials, groups of lens styles, groups of addons.  This allows prices to be set up for all 167-index materials, for example, as a group, eliminating the need to individually price them.  Similarly, progressives can be grouped and priced as a group, eliminating the need to price each progressive design individually.  Multiple price lists may be created.  On any order, if a pricing error occurs due to lack of prices for the lens, change the pricelist code to "000".  This pricelist override allows the lab to enter prices manually.  


  1.  From the Main RxUniverse screen, select "Setup" and click on "Addon Codes".  There are 3 tabs on the addon codes screen:  General, Job Flow and Overrides.
  2. Click the "ADD" button. The following screen will be displayed:
     General tab
  3. Type in an "Addon Code".  The lab may use any code they wish for manual addons.  For example, "POLISH" could be used as a code for a polish edge price.
  4. Enter a description for the code.
  5. Below the "Description" label checkmark the "Allow Modifications on Order Screen" if when entering a job in Customer Service, the price of the item can be modified.  Leave unchecked if no changes to the price should be allowed.
  6. Checkmark the next box "Allow Changes in Quantity on Order Screen" should be allowed in Customer Service.  Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
  7. By default, "Allow Addon with $0.00 Price on Order Screen" is checked.  It's better to always leave this checked as even if the price of an item is $0.00 if will still appear on the invoice.
  8. "Exclude code from Rx-Site" only applies to labs using Rx-Site.  For more information on Rx-Site, please refer to the Rx-Site document.  
  9. "Optional EPRESS Value" is used if the addon code has a specific EPRESS value that should be sent to the devices.  Otherwise, leave the field blank. "EPRESS" is how much pressure is used on the edging wheel.
  10.  "Optional CLAMP Value" is used if the addon code has a specific CLAMP value that should be sent to the devices.  Otherwise, leave the field blank.  "CLAMP" sets how much pressure is used on an edger when clamping a lens.
  11. Should the addon require extra processing days, enter the number of days in the "Additional Processing Days".  The number of days specified will be added to the date wanted field when entering a job using this addon.
  12. The "Price Group" field can not be edited.  RxUniverse keeps track of which addon group the addon is associated with. Creating addon groups is discussed further in this document.  Once the group is created, this field will be updated automatically.

    Job Flow tab   
  13. Click on the "Job Flow" tab at the top of the screen.  Only used if the lab is using job tracker and job flow.  
  14. If job flow is used by the lab, services may be checked to prevent shipping the job unless the service has been done.  In the screen below, "Polish" is checked.  If the addon was an anti reflective coating, then "AR Coating" would be checked.

    Overrides tab
  15. Click on the "Overrides " tab at the top of the screen.  The following screen will be displayed:
  16. If a specific value is required by a device for a VCA Label for this addon, enter the value on this screen.  The "Addiotional Document Overrides" button on the screen is used if documents have been created by the lab for this addon to be printed.  Return to the "General" tab.
  17. Click on the save button to save the new manual addon which may appear as below if using the example "POLISH" and changes are allowed in Customer Service.
  18. Repeat the steps above to create a record for all manual addons.

    Automatic Addons

    Automatic addons will be added to the order automatically unlike manual addons which have to be selected when entering a job.  Special codes are required for automatic addons.  Below is a list of automatic addon codes available in RxUniverse.  Detailed instructions on how to create each addon will be shown after the list of special codes.
    AA - The always add will be charged on every order.  This addon may be used for such items as shipping or handling fees.  
    CA - The customer addon is used for pricing items by customer.  For example, if a shipping charge is different for various customers, this code would be utilized instead of the "AA" addon code.  May also be used for customer discounts.  
    ED - Edging deduction is used when the lens price includes edging charges but the job is uncut.
    HB - Charges for high base curves.
    LB - Charges for low base curves.
    OB - Over size blank size charges
    OF - Over size frame charges
    PM - Charges for prism thinning
    PR - Charges for Rx prism
    PT - Lens pretreatment cost such as Transition or polarized lenses.
    SA - Segment add charges.
    SF - prices for different types of frames.
    SN - 


The actual maintenance window will be a tab type window with the general information in one tab and the job flow information in the other tab. The general information tab will contain information regarding "extra days processing", EPRESS and CLAMP setting for edgers, exclude from DLAB, language codes and descriptions for invoices(if needed). The job Flow tab will contain the job flow flag settings for the addon.
To simplify the coding process when addons are required on an order, the existing process used for updating addons in orders will remain the same, the only modification that will be made for Rx-Universe is that when an addon is required on an order, the job flow flags will be taken from the addon database and copied to the job flow section of the price database. The "addon" tab on an order will display the list of addons for the job.

Pricing Maintenance
To make pricing easier to maintain, new databases have been added to group similar price options together. The new groupings will be for lens styles, materials and addon codes. Each grouping will have its own maintenance screen accessible from the "Pricing" menu selection.
All 3 of these maintenance screens use the standard GUI browse grid screen that allows users to add/delete/edit the various groups.

The maintenance screens look and operate as follows:

Material group contains the name for the grouping while description allows the user to give a brief description of the group. The sequence number will be used be the pricing maintenance screens to determine the placement of the group within the list of groups. A low sequence number will place the group at the beginning of the list while a higher number places the group further down the list. If two groups have the same sequence number they will be placed alphabetically in the grouping list.
The "Available" grid contains a list of all the available items that could be placed in the group. Only items that are not part of another group will be in the list. Also, in the case of materials and lens styles, only items that have their active switch checked will be in the list.
The "Included" grid contains the list of all the items that currently make up the grouping.
Items can be moved from one grid to the other by highlighting them and pressing the appropriate arrow, or by double-clicking with the mouse on the desired grid item that you want to move. 


Pricelist – Rx Prices
The price list details grid is made up of the material/lens style groups. The order that the material/lens style groups appear in is dependent of the sequence field entered in the "groups" maintenance screens. The sequence numbers allows a lab to format the grid specific to their labs needs. The lower sequence numbers will appear first in the grid. The first row of the lens styles is called "Base". The prices contained in the base pricing will be used as default pricing for all lens styles for the material group they are applied to.

Right clicking on any of the material or lens style group headings will display a list of the material or lens styles that are contained within the group that was clicked.
The prices shown on this screen will display the initial price for the lens style/material combination. To set specific pricing based on sphere/ cylinder double double-click on the desired style/material price and a pricing detail screen will appear.
1.501.751.501.25Cylinder / Diopter $Sphere / Diopter $

The pricing details screen allows the user to specify if the price is based on pairs or lenses. On an order, pair pricing will divide the specified price by 2 when a lens that uses this price is selected on an order. Lens pricing will use the specified price if an order uses this price.
The lab can select if this price is a taxable item, whether the item is always net (no order discount allowed for this price except for the "Item Discount").
An "item Discount" allows the lab to set a promotional price discount for the material/lens style combination. The "Item Discounts" are displayed in their own bucket on the order screen "Pricing tab".
The lab can streamline the prices based on sphere/cylinder power or blank diameter. Right clicking the mouse button while in the sphere/cylinder grid will popup a menu allowing the user to add, delete or modify a sphere cylinder line. When selecting the add/modify function, a maintenance grid will appear to the right of the grid allowing for the modification of the sphere/cylinder information.

Accepting the changes, will save the information in the sphere/cylinder grid, the lines will automatically be sequenced based on sphere power, then cylinder power then diameter. Prices can be entered for both semi-finished and/or finished lens blanks.
The "Sphere per diopter" and "Cylinder per diopter" pricing entries can be used to augment the price contained in the last grid entry. When a lens is priced and its sphere/cylinder is above the breakpoints in last entry, then the price contained in the last entry will be increased by the $ amount specified for each diopter that the Rx prescription is in excess of the breakpoint.

Priceslist – Addon prices

The Addon Price Detail screen grid is similar to the Rx prices grid with the exception that an entry for "Base" materials has been added. Similar to the Base lens style, an entry in the base material column will apply to all materials for the specified lens style, or all lens styles if the "Base material/Base lens style" grid cell is populated with a price.
When adding a new addon price entry, the user can select the type of addon that is being priced. This is controlled by the "Auto Code" entry. Auto code pricing allows addons to be automatically applied to an order when an order goes through its pricing routine. For addon items that the lab wants to aplly manually, set the "Auto code" fields to "Manual Entry".
The lab then selects the "Addon group" that the pricing applies to.
The lab can set the pricing mode for the addon as follows:
