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to be released ....

Order Entry

Order Entry has been modified to check a new system setting to determine whether or not to allow a zero cylinder axis. This new checkbox can be found on the Orders2 tab in System Settings.


When a digital order was outsourced to another lab.  The order would give a WONF message on the device session when trying to call it up on a VCA device

When a new remote order was scanned at a job tracking station to be transferred to an outside lab, the settings for lab 001 would be used to decide whether to transfer it, which is a problem if the settings for 001 are different, or if there is no lab 001 set upChanged to correctly use the settings for the lab that is designated as the receiving lab.

If a frame was traced with an identifier of more than 8 characters, anything beyond 8 characters was being truncated when the trace was saved.  This has been corrected.