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This document provides instructions for setting up Shipping Routes. Print the Shipping Route code and description on the XML delivery note when a job is mailed out.


Coming soon.....

To identify the shipping route code to print, the following setup must be completed.

Custom Configuration

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 3 – Editor Utilities and press enter.

Type 6 – Configuration Editor and press enter.

Type 6 – Edit Custom Configuration and press enter.

The Custom Configuration Editor displays.

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  • Press Q to Query.
  • Ensure that the tables table below existexists.

If the tables do table does not exist.:

  • Type A to add a new record.
  • Enter all the information as per the example (s) below.
  • Press Escape to save the data.
  • Type E to exit.

                 CUSTOM CONFIGURATION EDITOR                                    
Calling Program:   [LAYOUT    ]                                                 
Field Name:        [USE SHIPPING ROUTES ]                                       
Enabled:           [N]                                                          
Character Setting:                                                              
[                                                                      ]        
Float Setting:     [              ]                                             
Integer Setting:   [           ]                                                
Comment:           [Use Code2 in Ship editor for Shipping Routes      ]         

   Image Added

Ship-To Configuration

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 3 – Editor Utilities and press enter.

Type 1 – Customer Database Editor and press enter.

Type 5 – Add/Edit Ship To and press enter

Shipping Route Codes are assigned by the Code2 field for a customer Account Ship To address.

         C U S T O M E R   D A T A B A S E   M O D I F I C A T I O N S          
           COMPANY      BRANCH   SALES TERRITORY  ACCOUNT      SHIP TO          
            CODE         CODE          CODE       NUMBER        CODE            
             A            A             A         40             A              
                            EDITING SHIP TO ADDRESS                             
 First Name:[DR TEST                                           ]                
 Contact   :                          Telephone:                                
 Attention :                          Country  : USA                            
 Street    : 18 RIVERSIDE AVE S                                                  
 Street    :                                                                    
 City      : SARTELL                  State/Prov:MN     Zipcode: 56377          
 Modem Flag: N                                                                  
 Stock Qty:  A     Code2: A     Courier (M-Z):  A                               

Shipping Route Configuration
  • Press enter until you reach the Code2 field.
  • Type the applicable shipping code.

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  • Press enter until you see the following message:

Is this data correct (Y/N)?

  • Type Y to confirm or N to discard the changes.

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Shipping Route Configuration

Definition: To print on the delivery note label and the work ticket in the “Route Code” field.

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 3 – Editor Utilities and press enter.

Type 1 – Customer Database Editor and press enter.

Type 19 – Shipping Route Code Editor and press enter.

  • Press Q to query
  • Type
the Route Code to print on the delivery note label and the work ticket in the “Route Code” field along with the description
  • the applicable shipping route code in the Code2 field and press escape.

If the code does not exist:

  • Type A to add and entry.
  • Type the applicable code in the Code2 from ship-to-editor field.
  • Type the Route Code along with the Route Description to print on the delivery note label.

                    Shipping Route to Print on Delivery Note                    
                         based on Ship-To's Code2 Number                        
     Code2 from Ship-To Editor: [A]                                             
                    Route Code: [LX01           ]                               
             Route Description: [Sartell MN                               ]      

                Image Added

Entering a job:

From the Optifacts main menu:

Type 4 – Order Entry and press enter.

  • Enter a job as normal with an Account’s Ship-To address that uses a defined route.
  • At Mail-out, the route code and description will then be output into the delivery_note.xml file for the job in the
  • /delivery_note/shipping_label/route_info/route_code and/delivery_note/shipping_label/route_info/route_desc tags:


          <route_code>LX01           </route_code>

          <route_desc>Lisboa Sul     </route_desc>

