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The Vision Web interface will start automatically as part of the Remote Order Processing program.  The interface will establish a connection with the Vision Web server and download a maximum of 5 orders, then the interface will upload a maximum of 5 order status messages then the process will exit and regular order processing will continue.  Once the Remote Order process determines that the proper amount of time has elapsed based on the Vision Web pause setting, the Vision Web interface will be processed again, checking for orders and sending status messages back.

When the remote processor connects to VisionWeb, you'll see a screen similar to the following:

Status Message setup

The lab controls the Status Messages that are returned to Vision Web.  A new , by using a field within the Job Station maintenance screen allows the user to control which controls when a status is returned to Vision Web.  From the main menu select “Job Tracking & Devices”, " and then select “Job Stations”.  Select the For each job station that you want to send Vision Web a status on and edit the Job Station.  Go to , set the “Vision Web Stats” field to set select the status that you want to return to Vision Web when a job goes through this particular station.  Pressing F7 allows you to select from a list of valid Vision Web status codes.  This is the code that will be returned to Vision Web as a jobs status., from the drop-down box.  For example, to set the VW status to "Treatment" when a job is farmed out for AR coating, the entry might look like:
Image Added

Whenever the Job Tracker processes a Job station that has a Vision Web status associated with it, the job tracker will create a Vision Web status message within a working database that the Vision Web interface will use to send the status to the Vision Web server.  A status message will only be created if the current Vision Web status is different than the last Vision Web status sent to Vision Web.

The information that OMICS Rx-Universe returns to Vision Web along with the current status is the jobs expected delivery date, the OMICS Rx-Universe order number, the date and time that the status was created and the delivery method (if available).

The Status Code maintenance screen can be accessed as follows, from the main menu select “Job tracking & Devices”, and then Select “Misc. Functions”, then select “Partner Return Status Codes”.  These codes should not be changed unless Vision Web has added new codes or modified the definition of the stored codes.  The Vision Web server will not accept any status messages that are not within their pre-defined list of codes.

Miscellaneous changes


Miscellaneous changes

When looking at orders in Rx-Universe, if an order was received from Vision Web, the first order information screen will display “ORDER RECEIVED FROM VISION WEB” along with the Vision Web tracking number on the 5th line of the screen.OE screen will show that as follows:
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When viewing the an orders Raw File information (Alt-F2raw incoming data (from the View right-click menu in customer service), the converted Vision Web to VCA information is displayed first, then after the EOJ line, the original Vision Web XML file is displayed.:
Image Added

Catalog Considerations

When setting up the Vision Web Catalog, remember that what is contained in the “Convert” fields is what is used within OMICSRx-Universe.

When creating the Job Types, the following has been programmed within OMICS:have been reservedL

Type “FS” converts to a FULL Service job with “SUPPLY FRAME”


Type “UC” converts to UNCUT job

Type “AA” converts to ADDON job

When supply frame is used, and no UPC is supplied, the BRAND, COLOR, MODEL, EYESIZE, BRIDGE TEMPLE and TYPE must all be entered exactly as they appear in the OMICS Rx-Universe stock record.  Vision Web has no ability to enter frames separately within their catalog (this is a future enhancement for them).

Catalogue Links to OMICSRx-Universe


Items are set up in the VisionWeb catalogue in families and groups, and information from these different groups are interpreted by OMICS Rx-Universe in different ways.

In the catalogue, there are several fields which describe the item, describe how the item will appear to the user, and define what gets sent to the LMS.  The “Convert” column is what gets sent to the LMS, so the contents of that column are critical to correct handling of the order by the LMS.

For interfacing with OMICSRx-Universe, the DESIGN family will determine the lens style to be used – the value of the “Convert” column should contain the OMICS Rx-Universe lens style code used by the lab.

The MATERIAL family describes the material code, and sometimes the color and pretreatment of the lens.  This would be true for lenses which always have a color and/or pretreatment, such as photo chromatics photochromatics or polarized lenses.  When used, the format of the material must be “M-CCC-TTT”, where M is the single character OMICS Rx-Universe material code, TTT is the 3-character OMICS Rx-Universe pretreatment code, and CCC is the 3-character OMICS Rx-Universe tint code.  So, a 1.5 index Transitions VI VII Gray 3 lens would have a “Convert” value of “T-GY3-TR6”TR7”.  Note that the format is important – the color and treatment must be 3 characters, even if some of the characters are spaces.
