Versions Compared


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  • Lab-to-Lab transfers box
    • Queue Manager – always set to DATAPATH_FROM_VW2
    • Order Queue This queue name is different for each customer and is provided by Vision Web. It is the name of the transfer queue that Vision Web places the orders for pickup. A sample entry is “OMICS.RCV.3716”.
    • Status Queue This queue name is different for each customer and is provided by Vision Web. It is the name of the tracking queue that Rx-Universe will place the order status messages that Vision Web will pick up. A sample entry is “OMICS.MSG.3716”.
    • MQ Server Channel  This is the name of the MQ server channel that the connection is going to use. It is different for each lab, and is provided by Vision Web.  A sample is CLIENT.TO.OMICS.3716.
    • MQ Server connection  This is the IP address and port for the MQ Server.  This information is provided by Vision Web.  A sample is
    • User Name  This is the username required by VisionWeb to identify the client.  This entry is supplied by VisionWeb.  A sample would be “mqomics3716”.
    • Password  This is the password required to send orders via VisionWeb.  It is supplied by VisionWeb.  A sample would be “p@sh0p+”
    • Reference Id  This reference ID is required and supplied by VisionWeb.  A sample entry is “ROOMICS”.

Press the OK button when you’re finished with the data entry


, then be sure to click the "Save" button on the “Report Order Processing Options” screen.

  • When you have returned to the main “Report Processing Options” screen, there are 3 buttons available, “Start”, Save” or “Cancel”.
    • Pressing the “Start” or “Save” buttons will save any changes made to the Remote Order Processing Options and the Vision Web Options.
    • Pressing the “Cancel” button will exit the Remote Order Processing Options screen without saving your changes.

Running Vision Web (Receive Orders mode)


The Vision Web interface will start automatically as part of the Remote Order Processing program.  The interface will establish a connection with the Vision Web server and download a maximum of 5 orders, then the interface will upload a maximum of 5 order status messages then the process will exit and regular order processing will continue.  Once the Remote Order process determines that the proper amount of time has elapse elapsed based on the Vision Web pause setting, the Vision Web interface will be processed again, checking for orders and sending status messages back.

When the remote processor connects to VisionWeb, you'll see a screen similar to the following:

Status Message setup

The user lab controls the Status Messages that are returned to Vision Web.  A new field within the Job Station maintenance screen allows the user to control when a status is returned to Vision Web.  From the main menu select “Job Tracking & Devices”, and then select “Job Stations”.  Select the job station that you want to send Vision Web a status on and edit the Job Station.  Go to the “Vision Web Stats” field to set the status that you want to return to Vision Web when a job goes through this particular station.  Pressing F7 allows you to select from a list of valid Vision Web status codes.  This is the code that will be returned to Vision Web as a jobs status.
