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The Job Scanner Simulator is an alternative to having an expensive two way scanner.  The Job Scanner Simulator can run on any PC connected to Rx-Universe.


Starting a Job Scanner Simulator session within Rx-Universe:


  • Work Station: Enter a two character code.  In my example I entered “SM”.  Remember this code; you will need it when you are creating your icon.


  • Description: Enter a description.  In my example I entered “Job Scanner Simulator”.


  • Auto Command: Here is where you enter the Auto Command Code; for the Job Scanner Simulator it’s “SS” (two uppercase “S”).


  • Exit Automatically: Put in a checked mark if you want the session to exit completely when you click on the  to close the Job Scanner Simulator Window.


Setting up the Desktop icon for the Job Scanner Simulator:


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Remember when I created my Workstation I used “SM” as my Workstation Number?  You will use this when you create your icon.  If you have copied another Rx-Universe icon to create your new one, just go into the properties and replace the old WS Number with your new one.  In my example I replaced it with “SM”.


When I double click on my new icon I get this window:
