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As an alternative to importing traces one at a time, the Remote Processor can be used in Rx-Universe to automatically import and create frame trace records.

Any Frame trace files must be placed into a folder called "Frames", underneath the default input folder, will be processed by the Remote Processor.  If the file can be imported and saved as a trace, the file is moved to the "Frame\Archive" folder; if it cannot be processed, it is moved to the "Frame\Error" folder.

To illustrate, if the Remote Processor is set up to process incoming order files in the C:\Rx-Universe\OMICSTX folder, then frame files should be placed into the C:\Rx-Universe\OMICSTX\Frames folder.


The automated process requires that the VCA pattern text files be placed in a specific directory so that the "Remote Order Processor" can locate the text files and process them.  

 ****** insert the remote processor image

The directory that the VCA pattern text files are placed in is called "Frame" and must reside named "Frame", created as a sub-folder of the "Directory for Incoming Orders" contained in the "Remote Order Parameters" screen.   If you wish to keep the a copy of the imported patterns, create another sub-folder called "Frame\Archive".  The VCA pattern text frame trace files will be automatically moved to this folder once they are processed with no errors.   If a VCA pattern text frame trace file can't be processed, it will be placed in a sub-folder called "Frame\Error". 

To illustrate, if the Remote Processor is set up to process incoming order files in the C:\Rx-Universe\OMICSTX folder, then frame files should be placed into the C:\Rx-Universe\OMICSTX\Frame folder.

The Remote processor will automatically pole the "Frame" folder to see if any VCA pattern frame trace files exist, if any are found, it will process 10 pattern files during it's its cycle, then re-check for orders to process, then check for more VCA pattern frame trace files.  This cycle continues until the Remote Processor is shut down or paused for the nightly server backups (if activated).

 When processing frame files automatically, frame trace file must contain FRAM, FMFR, EYESIZ and BRGSIZ, so that the frame can be saved with the correct naming convention.