Modification to Customer Service. If an order is copied, that was a remake, spaces have been moved to all of the remakes fields.
Modified the field, “Omit DS from LTYP / LTYPE for double-seg blanks” on the Device Interface, Blocker tab, to now include LTYPEF. Some versions of the firmware don’t recognise the DS label value in the LTYPEF field.
Changes were made that will help prevent memory leakage issues.
Fixed an issue on the PCL work-ticket that was causing the user field to show “DIGI-PROC” instead of “REMOTE”, when a remote digital order is fiest processed.
V1 POST/orders/add and V2 POST/v2/orders endpoints have been modified to check if the order number assigned during order creation is available.
When an order is unshipped from the Customer Service screen, the AR transaction record was not being removed. This has been corrected.
Fix issue with Addon cost field in the Addon maintenance screen. The cost field was not visible when the pricing module was not active.
The total addon cost on the user work ticket was not correct. This has been fixed.