Property | Description |
orderNumber | string The identifier for the order |
trayNumber | string The tray number the order is attached to |
poNumber | string Job reference (PO NUM field) |
arCode | string The code for the applied anti-reflective coating |
arDesc | string The description for the applied anti-reflective coating |
balanceLens | string Set the balance lens to R (right), L (left), or none (empty string/null) |
calculationDesc | string The current calculation status of the order (for humans)
corridorLength | number($float) Corridor length (CORRLEN) |
createdUser | string The user who entered the order |
currentStation | string The current status/station for the order |
currentStationCustomerDesc | string The current customer status description for the order |
currentStationDateTime | string|null The date and time the current status was applied to the order in format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fffZ (ISO 8601) or null |
currentStationDesc | string The current status/station description for the order |
customerJobId | string The identifier the customer is using for the order |
customerNumber | string The identifier for the customer the order is for |
dateCompleted | string|null Date completed in format yyyy-mm-dd or null if not completed |
dateOrdered | string|null Date ordered in format yyyy-mm-dd |
dateReceived | string|null Date received in format yyyy-mm-dd |
dateTimeValid | string|null Date/time the order was validated in format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fffZ (ISO 8601) or null if not valid |
dateWanted | string|null Date wanted in format yyyy-mm-dd or null if not set |
frameA | number($float) Frame A box measurement |
frameB | number($float) Frame B box measurement |
frameBridge | integer($int32) The bridge size of the frame attached to the order |
frameCircumference | number($float) Frame circumference (CIRC) |
frameColor | string The color of the frame attached to the order (FCOL) |
frameED | number($float) Frame effective diameter box measurement |
frameEye | integer($int32) The eye size of the frame attached to the order |
frameManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the frame attached to the order |
frameName | string The name of the frame attached to the order (FRAM) |
frameSize | string The size of the frame attached to the order (eye-bridge-temple) |
frameSKU | string The sku of the frame attached to the order (_FMSKU) |
frameStatusCode | string A code indicating the status of the frame ([Blank] = None, S=supply, E = Edge, F=to follow, U=uncut, N=No Charge, L=lenses only, O = Other) |
frameTemple | integer($int32) The temple size of the frame attached to the order |
frameUPC | string The upc of the frame attached to the order (_FMUPC) |
hasNotes | boolean Flag indicating if notes are present |
hot | boolean Whether or not the order is flagged as a hot job |
isSpecialOrder | boolean Indicator for if the order uses special-order lenses |
isWrap | boolean Flag indicating if wrap compensation is requested on the order |
jobType | string The job type of the order (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge, S = Stock) |
jobTypeDesc | string The job type of the order (for humans)
keyDate | string|null Key date in format yyyy-mm-dd or null |
labNmberlabNumber | string Indicates the lab the order is assigned to. This is set in System Settings:Lab Number for Rx-Xplore |
lmsSource | string Indicates the LMS the order originates from (always Rx-Universe) |
onHold | boolean Whether or not the order is on hold |
orderOrigin | string Origin of order (RXSITE, ERP, etc) |
orderType | string The type of the order (A=Auto, M=Manual) |
originalEnvelopeNumber | string The AR envelope number |
originalOrderNumber | string|null Original order number if order is a remake, or null |
originalOrderSubtotal | number($float) Original order subtotal if order is a remake |
pantoscopicTilt | number($float) Pantoscopic tilt (PANTO) |
patientCAPE | number($float) Cape head angle |
patientDominantEye | string The patient's dominant eye (CLDEYE) (R/L/N) |
patientDominantHand | string The patient's dominant hand (CLDLAT) (R/L/N) |
patientHeadEyeCoefficient | number($float) Patient head eye coefficient (HEADK) |
patientHeight | number($float) Patient height (CLHT) |
patientInitials | string Patient initials (CLINIT) |
patientLifestyle | string Patient lifestyle (CLLIFE) (Static/Active) |
patientNearVisionBehaviour | string Patient near vision behaviour (CLNVB) |
patientNearWorkingDistance | number($float) Patient near working distance (in meters) (NWD) |
patientStabilityCoefficient | number($float) Patient stability coefficient (HEADS) |
pendingCompletion | boolean Whether or not the order is pending completion |
prismThinningCode | string The prism thinning setting on the order (F = yes, N = No, blank = lab default) |
rawFileName | string The name of the raw file if order came in electronically |
redo | boolean Whether or not the order is a remake |
releaseNumber | string Release number for the order |
remakeCategory | string|null The remake category if order is a remake, or null |
remakeReason | string|null The remake reason if order is a remake, or null |
routedPrinter | string Routing code for the printer for the order |
shippingMethod | string The shipping method to use (should match one returned by the /shipping_methods API) |
shipToAddress1 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToAddress2 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToAddress3 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToAddress4 | string The address to ship the order to |
shipToCode | string The postal or zip code to ship the order to |
shipToName | string The account name to ship the order to |
shipToNumber | string The account to ship the order to |
specialInstructions | string The first comment line of the order |
status | string The current status of the order (U = Unvalid, V = Valid, P = Process, C = Complete, W = Hold) |
statusDesc | string The current status of the order (for humans)
subtotal | number($float) The subtotal price for the order |
surfaceTypeCode | string The surfacing type for the job (D = Digital, F = Finished, SF = Semi-finished) |
surfaceTypeDesc | string The surfacing type for the job (for humans)
tintCode | string The code for the applied tint |
tintDesc | string The description for the applied tint |
total | number($float) The total price for the order |
traceA | number($float) The A measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceB | number($float) The B measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceBridge | integer($int32) The bridge size of the trace record on the order |
traceBrow | number($float) The brow measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceCheek | number($float) The cheek measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceDBL | number($float) The DBL measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceED | number($float) The ED measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceEdgeType | string The edge type of the trace record on the order |
traceEye | integer($int32) The eye size of the trace record on the order |
traceName | string The name of the trace record on the order |
traceNasal | number($float) The nasal measurement of the trace record on the order |
traceSupplier | string The supplier (manufacturer) of the trace record on the order |
traceTemple | number($float) The temple measurement of the trace record on the order |
unvalidMessage | string The reason why the order was last set unvalid (if any) |
vertexFittedDistance | number($float) Vertex fitted distance (VFD) |
vertexRefractedDistance | number($float) Vertex refracted distance (VRD) |
wrapAngle | number($float) Wrap angle of the frame (ZTILT) |
rtADD | number($float) Add power right eye |
ltADD | number($float) Add power left eye |
rtADD2 | number($float) Upper add power right eye |
ltADD2 | number($float) Upper add power left eye |
rtAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis right eye |
ltAxis | integer($int32) Cylinder axis left eye |
rtBalance | boolean Indicates if right lens is a balance lens |
ltBalance | boolean Indicates if left lens is a balance lens |
rtBaseTool | float|null The base tool for the right eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltBaseTool | float|null The base tool for the left eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtBaseToolPadded | float|null The base tool for the right eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltBaseToolPadded | float|null The base tool for the left eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the right eye |
ltBOC | number($float) The user-specified BOC for the left eye |
rtBreakCount | integer($int32) The value of breakages for the right lens |
ltBreakCount | integer($int32) The value of breakages for the left lens |
rtBreakValue | number($float) The number of times the right lens was broken |
ltBreakValue | number($float) The number of times the left lens was broken |
rtCalculated | boolean Whether or not calculations have been done for the right eye |
ltCalculated | boolean Whether or not calculations have been done for the right eye |
rtCrossTool | float|null The cross tool for the right eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltCrossTool | float|null The cross tool for the left eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtCrossToolPadded | float|null The cross tool for the right eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltCrossToolPadded | float|null The cross tool for the left eye with padding (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtCyl | number($float) Cylinder power right eye |
ltCyl | number($float) Cylinder power left eye |
rtDefaultThickness | number($float) The default thickness calculated for the right eye |
ltDefaultThickness | number($float) The default thickness calculated for the left eye |
rtEdged | boolean Indicator if edging has been done |
ltEdged | boolean Indicator if edging has been done |
rtEdgeThickness | float|null The minimum edge thickness for the right eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltEdgeThickness | float|null The minimum edge thickness for the left eye (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - right eye (ERCD) |
ltEyeRotationCenterDistance | number($float) Eye rotation center distance - left eye (ERCD) |
rtFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - right eye (FWD) |
ltFarWorkingDistance | number($float) Far working distance - left eye (FWD) |
rtFinishBlocked | boolean Indicator if finish blocking has been done |
ltFinishBlocked | boolean Indicator if finish blocking has been done |
rtFreeform | string Digital vendor number if job is digital |
ltFreeform | string Digital vendor number if job is digital |
rtGenerated | boolean Indicator if generating has been done |
ltGenerated | boolean Indicator if generating has been done |
rtIPD | number($float) Distance PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
ltIPD | number($float) Distance PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
rtJobKind | string The job kind of the right lens (S = Semi-Finished, F = Finished) |
ltJobKind | string The job kind of the left lens (S = Semi-Finished, F = Finished) |
rtJobType | string The job type of the right lens (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge, S = Stock) |
ltJobType | string The job type of the left lens (F = Full, U = Uncut, A = Addon, E = Edge, S = Stock) |
rtLensMaterial | string Lens material code of right eye (value will be one returned by the /materials API) |
ltLensMaterial | string Lens material code of left eye (value will be one returned by the /materials API) |
rtLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string The specific nominal base curve requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedBaseCurve | string The specific nominal base curve requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedColor | string Requested inherent color of right eye |
ltLensSpecifiedColor | string Requested inherent color of left eye |
rtLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedDiameter | integer($int32) The specific blank diameter requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedFinishType | string The specific lens type requested on the order (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
ltLensSpecifiedFinishType | string The specific lens type requested on the order (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
rtLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string The specific manufacturer requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedManufacturer | string The specific manufacturer requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string The thickness code requested on the order |
ltLensSpecifiedThicknessCode | string The thickness code requested on the order |
rtLensSpecifiedTreat | string Inherent treatment of right eye (ex PLC for coated polarized, TR8 for transitions 8) |
ltLensSpecifiedTreat | string Inherent treatment of left eye (ex PLC for coated polarized, TR8 for transitions 8) |
rtLensStyle | string Lens style code of right eye (as returned by the /styles API) |
ltLensStyle | string Lens style code of left eye (as returned by the /styles API) |
rtManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
ltManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
rtMaxET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thickest edge on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMaxET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thickest edge on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtMaxETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thickest edge occurs on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMaxETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thickest edge occurs on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the right eye |
ltMinCT | number($float) The user-specified center thickness for the left eye |
rtMinET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thinnest edge on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMinET | float|null The thickness of the lens at the thinnest edge on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtMinETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thinnest edge occurs on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltMinETAngle | float|null The angle at which the thinnest edge occurs on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - right eye (NOD) |
ltNearObjectDistance | number($float) Near Object Distance - left eye (NOD) |
rtNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - right eye (NVI) |
ltNearVisionInset | number($float) Near Vision Inset - left eye (NVI) |
rtNPD | number($float) Near PD right eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
ltNPD | number($float) Near PD left eye (lab rules for monocular/binocular) |
rtOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the right eye |
ltOCHeight | number($float) The OC height for the left eye |
rtOCThickness | float|null The thickness of the lens at the optical center on the right lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
ltOCThickness | float|null The thickness of the lens at the optical center on the left lens (null if the order is unvalid or no generator info exists) |
rtOnHandQuantity | integer($int32) The quantity on hand for the blank at time of order |
ltOnHandQuantity | integer($int32) The quantity on hand for the blank at time of order |
rtOPC | string The OPC for the blank of the right lens |
ltOPC | string The OPC for the blank of the left lens |
rtPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrism1 | number($float) The first prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrism2 | number($float) The second prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtPrismDir1 | string|null The first prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrismDir1 | string|null The first prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtPrismDir2 | string|null The second prescribed prism for the right eye |
ltPrismDir2 | string|null The second prescribed prism for the left eye |
rtReverseBreakagePicked | boolean Indicator if breakage has been reversed |
ltReverseBreakagePicked | boolean Indicator if breakage has been reversed |
rtSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the right eye |
ltSegDepth | integer($int32) The segment depth for the left eye |
rtSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the right eye |
ltSegHeight | number($float) The segment height for the left eye |
rtSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the right eye |
ltSegWidth | integer($int32) The segment width for the left eye |
rtSphere | number($float) Sphere power right eye |
ltSphere | number($float) Sphere power left eye |
rtStockAddCyl | number($float) The add power or cylinder power of the blank |
ltStockAddCyl | number($float) The add power or cylinder power of the blank |
rtStockBaseSphere | string The nominal base or sphere power of the blank |
ltStockBaseSphere | string The nominal base or sphere power of the blank |
rtStockColor | string The inherent color of the blank |
ltStockColor | string The inherent color of the blank |
rtStockDesc | string The Rx-Universe stock description for the blank |
ltStockDesc | string The Rx-Universe stock description for the blank |
rtStockDiameter | number($float) The diameter of the blank |
ltStockDiameter | number($float) The diameter of the blank |
rtStockFinishType | string Blank class: (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
ltStockFinishType | string Blank class: (S=semi-finished F=finished) |
rtStockInterSegWidth | number($float) The depth of the trifocal segment on the blank |
ltStockInterSegWidth | number($float) The depth of the trifocal segment on the blank |
rtStockManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
ltStockManufacturer | string The manufacturer of the blank |
rtStockMaterial | string The material code of the blank |
ltStockMaterial | string The material code of the blank |
rtStockNearSegWidth | number($float) The width of the segment on the blank |
ltStockNearSegWidth | number($float) The width of the segment on the blank |
rtStockNumber | string The RxU stock number for the blank of the right lens |
ltStockNumber | string The RxU stock number for the blank of the left lens |
rtStockStyle | string The lens style code of the blank |
ltStockStyle | string The lens style code of the blank |
rtStockThicknessCode | string The thickness code of the blank |
ltStockThicknessCode | string The thickness code of the blank |
rtStockTreat | string The inherent pre-treatment of the blank |
ltStockTreat | string The inherent pre-treatment of the blank |
rtStockType | string Will be L to indicate lens if lens is present |
ltStockType | string Will be L to indicate lens if lens is present |
rtStockUpperAdd | number($float) The upper add power of the blank |
ltStockUpperAdd | number($float) The upper add power of the blank |
rtSurfaceBlocked | boolean Indicator if surface blocking has been done |
ltSurfaceBlocked | boolean Indicator if surface blocking has been done |
rtWrapAxis | integer($int32) The compensated cylinder axis |
ltWrapAxis | integer($int32) The compensated cylinder axis |
rtWrapCyl | number($float) The compensated cylinder power |
ltWrapCyl | number($float) The compensated cylinder power |
rtWrapHorizontalPrism | number($float) The compensated horizontal prism |
ltWrapHorizontalPrism | number($float) The compensated horizontal prism |
rtWrapSphere | number($float) The compensated sphere power |
ltWrapSphere | number($float) The compensated sphere power |
rtWrapVerticalPrism | number($float) The compensated vertical prism |
ltWrapVerticalPrism | number($float) The compensated vertical prism |
supplementaryRemarks | Array of Strings Additional comment lines for the order |
addons | Array of Addons
miscItems | Array of Misc Items