C - Auto-select tray, color from special #'s database
F - Auto-select tray, color from Material DB, even for frame-to-follow (F2F) jobs
H - Auto-select tray, set tray color from AR color, then Ship-to tray color, then Bill-to tray color
J - Auto-select tray, set tray color from Bill-to tray color then AR color, then supply frame color then material color
K - Use tray # and invoice # from remote site
N - Do not select trays automatically
S - Auto-select tray, color from Material database
T - Use tray # from remote site and create an invoice number
W - Auto-select tray from open tray list if tray number is blank
X - Auto-select tray from open tray list
Y - Auto-select tray with no color
Z - Auto-select tray from “TRAY” in special #'s database
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Keep original invoice # - Keep the same invoice number from the sending lab to the receiving lab.