Versions Compared


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Single Vision Prism - Finished lenses - When considering finished lenses during blank selection, these settings control whether or not there may be prism at the major reference point on the lens. The amount of prism allowed will be based on the prism allowance for the order’s account.

  • No prism allowed

  • Prism on full service and uncuts

  • Prism on full service only

  • Prism on uncuts only

Selection List Sort Order:

  • Sort by base curve / in-stock - This setting controls the sort order for available blanks by base curve / in-stock.

  • Sort by in-stock / base curve - This setting controls the sort order for available blanks by in-stock / base curve.

Force SRC blanks when AR requested - If checked, this option enables selection only of scratch coated blanks if AR is requested on the job. Uncoated blanks will not be considered for blank selection if any AR coating is requested on the job.

In order for this option to work, the pretreatment code and/or addon pricing code must be identified as AR coatings.

On the pretreatment file, the question “Is this an anti-reflective coat” must be set to Y.

In the case of a pricing addon, the job flow flag “AR COATING” must be set to Y.

Force semi-finished/ finished selection - This field contains whether or not a finished blank could be selected for one eye and a semi-finished for the other. When checked, both blanks must be the same. When un-checked, Rx-Universe could pick a finished blank for one eye and a semi-finished for the other eye.

Create blank selection log file SURF\order.SEL - If checked, each time a blank selection is done for an order, entries will be added to a file named ordernumber.SEL, located in the SURF folder under the root Rx-Universe folder.

This option should only be checked when trouble-shooting is being done on blank selection problems at a lab. Note that .SEL files created with this option will need to be manually removed once they are no longer needed.

Blank size force allowance - When a specific lens diameter is entered on the order stock screen, the blank selection process will check for lenses based on the setting of this field

When set to “0”, the selection process will look for a blank size of the entered diameter or larger. When set to “1”, “2”, or “3”, the selection process will look for blanks of the exact diameter or blanks with a diameter +/- the set allowance. ie: Is set to “2”, and the diameter selected is 70 mm, lenses from 68 mm to 72 mm will be selected.

Split base power difference - This value will determine if you can use the same base curve to grind the left and right lenses when the Rx powers are different for both lenses. When different base curves are called for due to the difference in Rx powers between the eyes, a laboratory will often want to grind both lenses on the same base if the powers are within the range set by this field. The base that will be used for the lenses is controlled by the “Base Rounding Method” setting.

Base rounding method - This controls which way to round the base when a common base will be used for two lenses with different powers that would normally be run on sperate bases.

  • Up - Both lenses would be run on the higher base.

  • Down - Both lenses would be run on the lower base.

  • Average - Both lenses would be run on an average base.

  • 0 thru 9 - Both lenses would be rounded toward the number selected.

Check QTY on hand - When selecting blanks, this setting checks the quantity on-hand when considering lenses.

  • Select all valid lenses - ignores the quantity on-hand.

  • Select valid lens if in-stock - checks the quantity on-hand before selecting the lens.

  • Check in-stock for semi-finished only - checks the quantity on-hand for semi-finished lenses, this setting will cause a finished lens to be ordered before using a semi-finished in-stock lens.

  • Select only in-stock lenses - only blanks that are in-stock will be added to the blank selection list. Any blank not in-stock will not even appear as an available blank in the blank selection list.

Finished Lens Tolerance:

  • Thinness tolerance - This is the lower limit for lens thickness when selecting finished lenses.

  • Thickness tolerance - This is the upper limit for lens thickness when selecting finished lenses.

  • Safety Thinness tolerance - When considering finished lenses for Blank Selection, this controls how much thinner than the requested thickness the finished lens can be and still be acceptable. This setting is used for safety jobs only.

  • Safety Thickness tolerance - When considering finished lenses for Blank Selection, this controls how much thicker than the requested thickness the finished lens can be and still be acceptable. This setting is used for safety jobs only.

Match Front Curve Tolerance - This setting controls the maximum difference between the True Front Curve of the lenses for the lenses to be considered as having the “same base curve”. The allowable range is from 0 to 9.99 diopters.