Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


If the “Frame Inventory” module is active, and the raw file sets the order to “Supply frame”, if the frame used has a trace attached, if the raw file also contained HBOX, VBOX or DBL values, those values were being used to resize the trace instead of using the trace attached to the frame as it should.

In some cases, the raw order files were being moved to the ERRORS folder, even if there was nothing wrong with them. This was caused by a timing issue and has been resolved.

Scan To Print W/T

Fixed an issue where unvalid and on-hold orders could only be printed by order number, not by tray number or po number.


New API that counts the number of passes through a job station by day. See Get job count by hour for a job station (/jt/station/count/byHour)

GET /orders - fixed an issue where addon quantities were always 0


Draw alignment reference points on the frame trace
