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The Rx-Universe Eyefinity interface provides a means whereby Rx-Universe retrieves orders from the Eyefinity website, converts them to an Rx-Universe format, and processes them, putting them directly into the Rx-Universe order entry system.

1.1 Restrictions of the Eyefinity Interface:

            The Eyefinity website order entry does not provide for entry of the following items – they are represented in comments on the order; therefore Rx-Universe can not import these pieces of information automatically:


Orders received from Eyefinity (and other sources) are stored in the Active Order table along with other orders.
On the first Order Entry order entry screen, an Eyefinity order is indicated underneath the status, as below: the source of the order (if not manually entered) is shown as follows:


The original order that came from Eyefinity is always available to the user.  From the order entry browse windowcustomer service screen, with the desired job order in question highlighted, press ALT-F2 to bring up a screen similar to the following:use right-click, “View”, “View Raw Order File” to see what Eyefinity sent:


This is a standard scrollable list box – you can use your mouse or keyboard to scroll up and down to see the entire original order.  The first portion of the order, to the EOJ=END OF JOB line, is the order that Rx-Universe created from the Eyefinity order (in standard Rx-Universe VCA/GIF format).  Everything after the EOJ line is the text as it came from Eyefinity.  While we recognize that labs won’t often have the information to interpret all of the information shown, it is useful to verify accounts customers sometimes (especially if an order has been received through Eyefinity, in error, from an account a customer that the lab doesn’t have).  It may also be useful when working with technical support at either Eyefinity or Rx-Universe to resolve issues.

7.0 Daily Process for Eyefinity Orders

  1. Process jobs from Eyefinity throughout the day (this will be automatic in many cases).

  2. Check the Eyefinity Translation table for new entries with no corresponding Rx-Universe translation.  Customer records, Lens codes, and Addons should be checked regularly.  Frame items should be checked if the lab supplies frames for orders.

  3. At least monthly, run the option to update lens codes from OSI web site.

8.0 Checklist Before Implementing Eyefinity Interface

  1. Install Internet connection from server (high speed is best).

  2. Obtain list of Efan accounts that have placed orders within the past 60 days, from Eyefinity.  Build Customer translation file with Efan and Rx-Universe account numbers.

  3. Set up any addon codes that will be coming from Eyefinity - these are usually a combination of the pricing code (QT, QN, etc) plus the description of the coating. A list of current addons is released by Eyefinity monthly.

  4. Obtain your Eyefinity basename, username and password for their ftp site.

  5. Set up the Eyefinity customer number (the account you use to bill Eyefinity)

  6. Set up the VSP price list if desired (VSP pays what they calculate is due based on the job as entered by the ECP, not based on what the lab sets up in pricing).

9.0 Enhancements in March 2007


Shipping information - Eyefinity can also now accept shipping information back from Rx-Universe.  To do this, a lab must use the shipping method field, on the account and/or order, to actually identify which shipper is used for an order.  If the “Send shipping info status” field (above), is checked, then this will be sent back to Eyefinity as the shipper.  While Eyefinity also accepts a tracking number, Rx-Universe does not store this nor send it back.

11.0          Description of Communications

Eyefinity makes orders available, and receives status information, by means of encrypted files on their ftp site.
