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Rx-Universe users require provices a method of transferring orders from their one Rx-Universe system to another Rx-Universe lab.  Rx-Universe allows labs to automatically send jobs to another lab based on a set of rules.  The Order transmitted can also be modified before being sent to the remote lab, without affecting the order in the originating Rx-Universe system.   Rx-Universe provides the lab with several different communication methods to send their orders to another lab.


  • Prompt for transfer after job entry – This flag is used to control whether or not you want to transfer jobs during the order entry / maintenance functions.  This is a system wide setting and can be overridden if a specific remote transfer lab has it’s “Send Selection” flag set to one of the following “Prompt to send after every job” or “Do not prompt, automatically send after every job”.   (See Setting up the Remote Labs below)


  • Save Duplicate Orders – This setting controls whether duplicate orders will be saved.  When checked, a duplicate order will be saved as Unvalid and the original order will be placed on Hold.  When un-checked, the duplicate order will be discarded and the original order will be placed on Hold.


  • Supervisor Override Only – When checked, only users with a level “99” security access can modify the various entries within the “Order Transmission Edit Screen” (see remote transfer Processing section in this document).


  • Transmission Level – Allows the lab to select when and how transfers will be accomplished.
    • Transfer the orders – Set the transmission-status flag in the Order Transmission screen to “Y” when an order requires to be transferred to another lab.
    • Do NOT transfer the orders – Set the transmission-status flag in the Order Transmission Screen to “N” when an order requires to be transferred to another lab.
    • Never transfer the orders – Turns the order transfer function OFF.
    • Transfer Mode I – If an order does not need to be transferred based on the transfer rules, but the selected lenses are special order lenses, then transfer the order allowing the user to select the remote lab via the “Order Transmission Edit Screen”.
    • Transfer Mode R – Bypasses the manual override for order transmission when an order does not meet any transfer rule.
