In the "Advanced" tab, set the following:
To use the TOKEN label in the LDS file to control the click fee if an order prescription
in the DESIGNSETTING-1 paragraph, add ForceSettings=0 and change BILLOK=0 it should appear as follows:
The default is :
To set the input directory for the LDS files, go to "File\Input File" and set to the folder where LDS files will be sent from Rx-Universe, and picked up by CrossBows.
OutputDir – this should be To set the output directory for the LMS and SDF files, go to "File\Output file" and set to the folder where LMS and SDF files will be stored. Note that for SDF files, you should use URL naming conventions, to ensure the devices can find the file when sent in LDPATH.
Older Crossbows will have the above information in a file called RxInfo.ini.
The RxInfo.ini file is located in different folders depending on the version of Windows: