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Rx-Universe has the ability to interface to the SatisLoh Manufacturing Execution System (MES).  It can create and delete orders and update an order's job history on the MES via the Rx-Universe Job Tracker.  The information sent to the MES system is controlled by the lab via settings in the Job Station records.


Rx-Universe version 6.45.00 or above with Job Tracker enabled.   


To turn on the MES interface, the "MES Server" field in the "Job Tracking" tab of the "System Settings" maintenance screen must be set to the path where the MES system resides.




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Job Station settings

Certain Job Stations (OE, OM, OR and OU) will create "Order" entries on the MES system if their "Job Station updates MES" field is checked.

The "OD" Job Station will send a "delete order" request to the MES system if it's "Job Station updates MES" field is checked.

All other Job Stations will be sent as "Job entries" to the MES system if for the order in question  their "Job Station updates MES" field is checked.

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The "MES LDI file" allows the lab to send additional information to the MES system regarding the order being processed by the job tracker.   These LDI files are created by the lab and must be placed in the following folder to be accessible by the Rx-Universe system, "DATA/ MES/ LDI" 

The LDI file layout must be as follows: 


The first 3 lines are required, as well as the last line.   The body lines "D=" contain the optional fields to send to the MES system, the lines have an 80 character limit when being processed, each optional field label name must be separated by a semi-colon ";".  

The optional field labels are based on the VCA field labels along with some custom field labels.   



The interfacing with the MES system is done automatically when a Job Station is processed by the Job Tracker program.   The Job tracker checks to see if the MES server system setting is set, and then checks to see if the Job Station being processed has it's "Job Station Updates MES" flag checked.  If the Job Station passes all the requirements, then it is processed and sent to the MES system.