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Release date: est Sept 2015
(Includes changes since 6.44.00)

Digital Surfacing

Digital Interface From Order Entry

Interfaces with digital calculators can now be done either directly from the order entry screen, or using the Digital Processor.  Previous versions of Rx-Universe always used the Digital Processor to communicate with digital calculators.


For Zeiss digital jobs, if the option "Print Zeiss Digital Ticket at Digital Processor" on the Digital tab under System Parameters is checked, then the Zeiss Digital Ticket will be printed when the LMS file is received back from Zeiss (within Order Entry).

Generating Prism for Digital Jobs

A new option has been added to the device setup to allow sending any prism that wasn't blocked, to a generator for digital jobs.  When checked, this causes digital jobs to be run the same as toric jobs; the maximum amount of prism supported by the blocker will be blocked, and any remaining prism sent to the generator.  If a generator does not support prism on digital jobs, this option should be UNchecked:
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If not all prism can be blocked, and the generator does not allow GPRVM to be sent for digital jobs, then an error will be raised when the job is requested by the generator, and the job not manufactured.  This will prevent jobs from being manufactured without the correct amount of prism.


Fixed issue where NPD was no longer being sent to the devices which requested it for IOT digital jobs (version 6.44.01).

The re-use database wasn't being correctly updated, and correct block records were not being read.  This has been corrected (version 6.44.04).


Modified device interface to check if one-eye switch is set on interface,  then the job number will be job+0 for the right eye, and job+1 for the left eye.  We will parse the job number for the eye, and then send only the information for the eye that was requested (version 6.44.08).

A new option has been added to the "Tracer" tab of the device setup; when the "Combine L/R traces" option is checked, the lab can trace the left and right sides of a frame separately, and have them merged together when the second eye is received.
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Note that when using this option, care must be taken not to trace the right eye of one frame, and the left eye of a different frame, for the same tray at slightly different times (for doing so will cause the eyes to be combined into a single trace!).



The Stock Costing Report was modified to use the standard cost (vendor cost 1) instead of the average cost when determining the value of excess stock (version 6.44.02).
