Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Account # - This field is designated for the account number associated with the customer who placed the order. Customers and assigned account numbers are maintained in the Customer Database. This field can be useful for searching for a particular order.

Job Type From the dropdown menu, select whether the job will be a full job, uncut no frame, or uncut with frame.  This field can be useful for searching for a particular order within the Customer Service screen.

  • Full Job – When selected, the lab is expected to edge lenses.  Frames may either be supplied by the account, lab, customer, the vendor, or the order could be lenses only.  Please include box measurements or trace information.  To learn more about what to do with frames when received, please visit: Receive Frame and Assign To Bin

  • Uncut No Frame – When selected, the lab is expected to return only a pair of surfaced (and apply any applicable coatings) lenses not edged.  The account will edge the job in-house.  For this selection only, trace information, or box measurements are not needed; but crib diameter will need to be specified.

  • Uncut With Frame - When selected, the lab is expected to return only a pair of surfaced (and apply any applicable coatings) lenses not edged.  The account will edge the job in-house.  Please include box measurements or trace information.

Patient – Patient name associated with the order.  This field can be useful for searching for a particular order within the Customer Service screen.

Tray # - Depending on how your specific instance of RX Universe is configured; the tray number will either auto-populate or can be edited manually.  This field can be useful for searching for a particular order within the Customer Service screen.

To learn more about tray numbering, please visit: Enter Trays for Remote Jobs

Order # - Also dependent on configuration, the order number will auto-populate. Character length can range from 4-8, depending on lab preference.  This field can be useful for searching for a particular order within the Customer Service screen.


RX Information – Area to be populated with prescription associated with the patient.  As the RX is entered, you will see the optimal base curve populate above the entry screen. Cylinder can   Ensure the “Select” toggle boxes are selected for the eye(s) lenses are needed.

  • Sphere – Enter sphere power as prescribed

  • Cylinder – Enter cylinder power as prescribed; may be entered as either +/-


  • , if + cylinder RX Universe will transpose

  • Axis – Enter axis for the cylinder. If no cylinder, this will be greyed out.

  • PD – Pupillary distance (PD) may be entered as either binocular or monocular.

o   Near PD - When PD is entered for a multifocal lens, the near PD will default to -1


.5mm the PD if monocular; if entered as binocular the near PD will be -3.0mm total.  If lenses are SV, NPD


becomes vertical decentration.

  • Vertical Decentration - If vertical decentration is specified, enter it in this field. Only applicable for SV lenses.  This is not required.

  • Seg Height – Enter seg height in this field. Ensure it is appropriate for the lens style and frame selected.  Only required for multifocal lenses. 

o   Seg Height Breakpoint (System Settings > Surf1) – There are two methods of specifying seg heights. RX Universe allows the use of either method or both methods at once.  All seg heights that are entered, that are less than or equal to the breakpoint, will be interpreted as the distance above/below the datum line.  All seg heights that are entered above the breakpoint, will be interpreted as distance from the bottom of the frame.

  • Below Optical Center – The distance between the optical center and the segment.

  • Add – This field is only for multifocal lenses. This is where the prescribed additional (add) power would be entered.

  • U-Add – This field is used only for occupational glasses, sometimes referred to as “Double D”.  With these types of lenses, the wearer has a second add power on the upper portion of the lens.

  • Center Thickness - Center thickness will default to the


  • thickness which


  • was configured


Trace Information


  • unless otherwise specified. To learn more about thickness and how it can be configured, please visit: Thickness On An Order and Default Thicknesses

  • Minimum Edge Thickness – Just like CT, unless otherwise specified, edge thickness will default to the thickness which was configured.

  • FC – This field indicates the true front curve of the lenses selected


Trace Information


Trace Information – This section allows you to either select a frame trace from a library or enter box measurements.  If searching for an existing trace, select the browse icon to the right of the “Name” box to find the desired frame.
